Amory is a registered company in Malaysia who resell original branded goods. We are not an agent, associate, affiliate, employees, sales representatives nor authorized dealer of any of the designers, brands, manufacturers that are offered for sale. All trademarks and copyrights are reserved to the original brand holders.

We have a shopper team who are living in USA and Europe that always hunting for any good deals or sale at boutiques/malls and outlets in USA and Europe.

We always try our best to hunt for deals and sales at USA and Europe outlets or boutiques and we also try to minimize the shipping cost by buying and shipping in bulk.

Retails/boutique store is a shop where they sell quality products at a retail price, which also means there are usually very few discounts unless there’s a sale on a special events/holidays. Retail stores are built to provide customers with exactly what they want when they shop for branded items.

An outlet store offers shoppers lower prices than retail stores with everyday bargains. Outlet stores was first originated as places where retailers sells overstock out of season products at lower prices. The products are of good quality, but retailers lack the room to stock these items. Sometimes, outlet stores also sells new merchandise that has some type of minor defect, blemish or irregularity. Nowadays, some brands that has outlet stores may even have products that are specifically made to be sold only at the outlet and you can’t find it on any boutique stores. These outlets-only products usually have ever-so-slightly lower quality material so that it can be sold at an affordable price. But rest assured, the items are all still genuine grade.

“Retails transfer item” is collections that are out of season which are then transferred from retails to the outlet store.

We fully uphold and respect the importance of brand genuineness. All products sold at Amory arrive straight from original brand sources, mainly USA and Europe and outlets and boutiques as well as from certified distributors. We only sell 100% original items and we provide a money-back guarantee if our items is proven fake by official outlet or boutiques in Malaysia.

You can bring the products that you bought from us to outlets in Malaysia or any authorized stores or retail and make the comparison with the items sold there, or refer to the staff to verify the authenticity of our product.

Please record the following details:-
Store location :
Name of the staff :
Staff ID number:
Date :
Please take videos and photos during the authentication check process.

If proven fake, please email to us with all the evidence and details that we requested attached.

Yes. All watches sold by us covered by the manufacturer’s warranty terms and conditions. For example, fossil watches has 2 years worldwide warranty.

In USA, all outlet items don’t come with dust bag except for certain retail transfer items. (Retails transfer item is collections that are out of season from boutique transferred to the outlet store.)

Some retails transfer item sold in outlet also do not have dust bag because sometimes outlet redistribute the dust bag to the boutique. You also can try to google the code of the bag to know whether the bag is boutique bag or outlet bag.

We are aware that items sold at JPO/GPO in Malaysia comes with dust bag. But, it is not the same case with outlet in USA. You can email the Coach Customer Service to verify this, by visiting the coach website at, go to the “Contact Us” section, and email/call the number given.

For bulk buyer like us, Sale Assistant at the stores will stuffed all item in one big plastic or paper bag and we did not get a paper bag for every item that we buy. Therefore, we cannot always fulfil your request to have paper bag alongside your items. But sometimes if we are lucky, we will get a good Sale Assistant that will give us some paper bag. In this case, we can provide you the paper bag alongside your items.

We cannot promise that you will get gift receipt for every item that you buy from us. This is due to the fact that there are some outlets that do not provide gift receipts for bulk buyers like us. For some cases, there’s also the possibility that we misplaced the gift receipt and failed to include it with your items. Additionally, if we buy any item from online website such as, or, no gift receipt will be provided with the items.

For your reference, gift receipts do not determine the genuineness of the item. Please be careful that scammers can also make fake gift receipt, and use it to claim that their items are original.

Authenticity card is provided for items that sold at Malaysia boutiques only. In USA boutiques or outlets, they do not provide the authenticity card.

All outlet items come with care card. But, there are few cases where the care card is missing even at outlet. So, we are so sorry as we cannot guarantee to provide you the care card.

Coach does not have factory in USA. That is why Coach items don’t have “made in USA” tag. Coach production is outsource to reduce labour costs for example to Vietnam, China, Philippines and India. That is the reason why it can be sold at cheaper price.

There are some items that are specially sold at outlets only. So, do not be surprised if the items we sell are not available at the boutique. You can found the same item in Malaysia outlet such as JPO/GPO. You also can google on the differences between boutique and outlet items.

A convenience fee is an amount we add to the purchase price. Customer pay this fee to get more convenient payment method when you choose to pay by card or by instalment.

You also have the choice to use another method of payment that does not require the added convenience fee, by choosing to use either FPX Online Banking or direct bank transfer.

The convenience fee will apply to payments made using Visa and MasterCard for debit and credit cards or by instalment package buy now pay later.

A convenience fee is being charged to allow customers to pay for services using debit or credit card / instalment services.

You can choose to use payment methods that do not incur convenience fee which is either FPX Online Banking or bank transfer.

Sorry, we do not have a physical store as of now.

Please feel free to chat with us through WhatsApp or Telegram (Amal: 013-6429874). Ask us anything, we are happy to assist you.

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